About the project

About the project
Industrial biotechnology, considered a cornerstone of the circular economy, is data-intensive and an ideal candidate for the use of advanced digital methods. It is also a challenge on many levels, including the unpredictability of live matter.
Spearheaded by six major European research infrastructures and supported by a consortium of 25 organizations, our mission is to enhance the competitiveness of the European biotech sector globally.
Leveraging advanced digital solutions – including next generation strain searches, AI powered digital twins, and new sensors – will help us to create and optimise innovative and reliable bioprocesses. These services are being developed for European research infrastructures, which will benefit researchers from industry and academia alike.
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What does “industry 4.0” mean, how does biotechnology fit in with that, and what does AI have to do with anything?
Our short animation film explains how different waves of innovation, discovery and industrialisation have changed the ways in which our lives are shaped and organised – and biotechnology’s potential to offer substantial and sustainable solutions to current global issues.